Skill Training and Family Counseling Project
¥ Stabilization of families, empowerment and recognition of rights of orphans and children of marginalized households in Yeka Kifleketama and neighboring kebeles by the year 2007.
¥ Mobilization of the local community to integrate children & youth from under privileged families through integrated education and family counseling.
Target Groups: The target groups were school drop out youths, aged 18-25 with at least 3 siblings below age 15.
¥ The project provided skill trainings in hotel and child care, beauty and hair dressing, heavy machine operator, like dozer operation skills, as well as counseling and reproductive health awareness services. A total of 527 youths (450 female and 77 male) got the services of the project and 68% of the youths were employed.
This projected phased out in 2008.
Status of the Project: Phased Out