Oasis- Sustainable Development for Children Rights Project
The project is a child focused and development oriented project of Integrated Family Service organization, IFSO. It is a five years project which is started in 2007 and being implemented in seven selected communities (sites) found on the ÔEntotoÓ mountain range of Yeka and Gulele sub–cities of the Addis Ababa city Administration. AC-International Child Support of Denmark is the only donor of the project.
General Objective: By 2011 basic rights to education, health, protection, and participation of children and youths at Entoto mountain range of Gulele and yeka sub cities are respected and protected.
Specific Objectives:
¥ By 2011 social change processes are initiated in families and communities at the Entoto mountain range of Yeka and Gulele Sub-cities, through addressing basic education, basic and reproductive health, and participation of children and young people.
¥ By 2011 improved Natural Resource Management of the Entoto mountain range of Yeka and Gulele Sub-cities has created a favorable environment for childrenÕs rights to education, health, protection and participation.
Project Components: natural resources management, alternative basic education, health care and awareness, and social empowerment.
Target group: Children, youths and families in The Entoto mountain range, Schools and students at the foot of the mountain range, community actors, local and national authorities.
Major Activities:
¥ Natural resource management
¥ Environmental friendly income generating activity
¥ Alternative basic education
¥ Social empowerment
¥ Health awareness education
¥ Networking and advocacy
¥ A total of 1570(760 female and 810 male) children attended participation workshops. The children and youths of the 7 project sites organized self initiated activities in foot ball and conducted competition during vacation time. A total of 195 health peer educators and 150 environmental peer educators were trained and they have been informing their peers about the issues.
¥ A total of 2250 parents attended workshops on health issues. 2600 community members also participated in workshops on the issues of environmental protection. A total of 80 community based reproductive health agents were trained and have been accessing contraceptive pills for mothers in their respective localities and more than 200 regular users have been getting the service in the community.
¥ A total of 76435 different types of indigenous tree seedlings were planted on the ÔEntotoÕ mountain range of Addis Ababa city administration
¥ 98 households were provided with two modern bee hives each and training. 1868 families were provided with different types of horticulture seeds. A total of 40 school drop out youths were given the opportunity to attend different vocational skill training institutions.
¥ 7 alternative basic education centers established and more than 600 children have been attending class with in their respective localities. More over, 9 springs were developed to improve the access of the community for clean potable water.
¥ Participation, care, and protection of children and young people at the Entoto mountain range is increased.
¥ Access to health service and outreach awareness activities on basic and reproductive health strengthened.
¥ The awareness and respect of local natural resource condition increased.
Status of the Project: Phase Out
For more information on the current activities of the different project components such as natural resource management, alternative basic education, health awareness and community based care, social work and empowerment activities and other related activities such as networking and advocacy, monitoring and documentation including lessons learned and problems encountered during the execution of the project is available in the 2011 Annual Report of IFSO.