Support for Children Living with HIV/AIDS Project
General Objective: To contribute to the improvement of the
livelihood of children and youth living with HIV/AIDS.
Specific Objectives:
- To contribute to improve the health and
psycho-social condition of 100 children affected by HIV/AIDS.
- To contribute to improve the family incomes by
enhancing their skills and providing a one time grant for orphaned and
semi-orphaned children affected by HIV/AIDS and /or their families.
- To create awareness on HIV/AID, including
prevention of the phenomena into the local community.
Expected Out Puts:
- 100 children living with HIV/AIDS improve in
their health
- School attendance increased
- Stress of 100 families will reduce
- 500 people increased their awareness in HIV/AIDS
prevention people to reduce discrimination and neglect
- 75 family businesses started
- 50 Children and/or family members will attend
skill training
Major Activities:
- Financial and Medical Support
- School Support
- Vocational and Entrepreneurship skill Training
- Awareness creation workshops
- The project provides medical, counseling,
educational materials, nutritional and financial support for children
living with the virus. A total of 102 children (57 male and 45 female)
have been included and are getting the support of the program. Out of the
102 beneficiaries, 89 (36 Female and 53 Male) are school aged and are
attending classes in different government and public schools.
- To improve the householdsŐ income, the project
provides vocational skill training opportunities and one time grant of
3,000 Birr each with prior entrepreneurship training for families of the
target children. A total of 55 individuals from the households of
beneficiary children were enrolled in different vocational skill training
institutions, and 97 households were provided with the onetime grant and
the entrepreneurship training to help them start with their own small
- Awareness raising workshops on the issues of
HIV/AIDS conducted for community members and families of the children. A
total of 987(male239, and 748female) participants from the community and
297(male76 and 221 female) family members of the children attended these
Status of the Project: Ongoing
For more information on the current status of
the project in terms of different indicators such as financial and
nutritional support provided, school support provided, vocational and
entrepreneurship training provided, awareness creation workshops conducted,
including lessons learned and problems encountered during the execution of the
project is available in the 2011 Annual Report of IFSO.